ITP 308 Mine Water and Mine Waste Management

The Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU) organises a training programme in Mine Water and Mine Waste Management  with the support from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Swedish EPA) and LuleĆ„ University of Technology (LTU). The programme is primarily offered to staff and management at government authorities tasked with permitting and inspecting mines.

The training presents the science behind management of mine water and mine waste, and integrates several principles equally important to prevent and mitigate environmental impacts: professionalism, transparent processes and a human rights perspective.
The aim is to reduce knowledge gaps between authorities and industry and to make information about mining and the environment readily available to all stakeholders. The training focusses on mine waste and mine water and aims to improve permitting procedures, the quality of inspection and reporting at the participating agencies.

The immediate impact of the programme activities should be a better understanding of current and future environmental risks, impacts and mitigation. The participants will develop new approaches to data collection and sharing of information. They will strengthen regional professional networks supported by colleagues from agencies in Sweden. The participants will throughout the programme work with current and pressing needs at their workplace that involves mine waste and mine water.

The long-term objective is to develop a sustainable use of natural resources and to secure safe living environments for future generations. Important milestones to the long-term objective are the development of transparent and inclusive processes of permitting and inspecting mines, to implement organisational changes and skills development needed for continuous improvement, and to appreciate the importance of clean and safe environments where non-discriminating economic growth can take place.

The programme involves a prepartory phase Online, two weeks of theoretical and collaborating studies online, 10 months of project work with mentorship from Sweden and a final, one week long regional conference in one of the participating countries.
Sida and SGU hereby invites you to nominate candidates.

Closing date for applications: 20 January, 2023


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